Book – Phonic book 6 – Off we go – SMILE – JK2155-PA



Are your children keen on learning to read but you don’t know where to start?  You need to look no further than the phonics books that started a multi-million rand company 30 years ago – Smile Education.  The books remain unchanged to this day and have been used to teach hundreds of thousands of children to read.

These A5 workbooks will teach your children to ready by concentrating on phonics (how the letters sound).   The books can either be purchased individually for R36 or as a set.  The English books have 6 in the set – while the Afrikaans set only has only 4 – see details below.

English phonics book set (6 books)                     only R210

Afrikaans phonic book set (4 books)                only R140

Individual books are available for R36 each

Once your children have covered the basics, consider the more advanced book (suitable for Grade 2 / 3 onwards)?   JUST as much fun and these are also available either in English or Afrikaans.  See details below  :

Fat cat phonics (A4 book)                    only R50

Mal oor Maljan (A4 book)                     only R50

Reading is one of the most important learning tools your child will ever acquire – this year many schools have made this a prescribed book for Grade 2’s.

Fun activities in each book while your child learns all about initial sounds, vowel sounds, blends, and digraphs :

– word dominoes

– mazes

– word searches

– rhyming words

– sentence structure

Each book in this series contains Stories, Comprehension Exercises, Wordbuilding Activities, Language Programmes, Perceptual Training Activities.
